Youth Sports & Fitness

Don't miss out on Youth Sports Fitness (YSF) because you did not register for Child and Youth Programs (CYP)!

All Parents need to complete a new registration form, even if previously enrolled.

To enroll in any CYP or YSF activity (new registrations) please download all forms from our website, or go to School Age Care (SAC), Building 41 between 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m. and a CYP staff member will assist you.

Sign-up and pay online at

For pricing and more information, please email or call 956-82-2839 or DSN 727-2839.


2024-25 Youth Sports and Fitness Schedule:

YSF will provide fundamental Soccer program for qualified TEI personnel.  

Youth Soccer Program

June-August: Sports Camps and Clinic(Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Multi-Sport) 
September-October: Soccer 

Local Sport Events scheduled throughout the year:

  • YSF Winter break (December)
  • YSF Track Meets (January-April)
  • YSF Kids Fun Run (January or February)

YSF Program Volunteer and Coaches CPR Training
Call 956-82-4721 or DSN 727-4721 or email for more information or to register for a training.

Youth Sports Program: Team and Individual Sports
The MWR Youth Sports Program offers a variety of organized sports and activities that promote the psychological, social and physical well being of Rota's youth. The program offers recreational activities that enhance physical fitness, self-esteem, teamwork and leadership skills. MWR provides the staff, equipment and playing areas necessary for the athletic and recreational development of children. There are team sports such as baseball, softball, soccer, basketball and flag football offered at different times during the year. There are also individual participation challenges and clinics such as Tennis, Swimming events and Fitness Clinics throughout the year.

Registration is advertised prior to the start of each new sports season. Following the mandatory skills assessment, players are evenly distributed into teams, based on skill level.  

Parental involvement and volunteerism are key aspects of the Youth Sports Program. Clinics are held to train coaches and officials. Besides the need for volunteer coaches, there is also a need for team parents and other important roles.

Please Note: For each child participating in any Navy CYP Youth Sports Program, a minimum of one parent per household is required to enroll in PAYS and complete the required training. Please click here to get started!

Parents are required to complete online parent trianing ( and all registration paperwork, including medical concerns prior to registering a child for the activity.

For more infomration, please email

YSF Registration

Handbooks and General Parent Information