Youth Center
Re-registration for previous CLUB members and registration is available at the Youth Center during center hours or download all paperwork from the Youth Registration links below. For more information, please call 956-82-4625 or DSN 727-4625.
CYP registration form and more information is below.
Child and Youth Program's (CYP) Youth Center
Jams (Ages 10-12 years old) and Gravity (Ages 13-18 year old and still enrolled in high school)
CYP Youth Center is where the fun is at! The recreation center, which houses Gravity and Jams, is located on Logroño Street next to the DGF High School. Gravity is geared for youth ages 13 through 18. Jams is for pre-teen youth ages 10 through 12. Inside each center are tons of activities to enjoy after school and during summer. At each facility, youth will find activity tables, Nintendo Switch and WiiU, PS4, and daily activities provided by CYP staff members. Each month there are dances, tournaments, extended hours for group events, field trips to local attractions and even overnighters.
During the school breaksand summer, trips and group activities are programmed and planned in the local area. The youth activities calendar includes water sports, outdoor recreation, as well as other high-interest activities taken from youth input.
Parents and their age-eligible children are encouraged to stop by and check out these facilities and to pick up the youth activity calendars. CYP provides diverse recreational opportunities for the youth of all ages and looks forward to serving the Rota Navy Base community's youth.
Youth Registration
- SY2024-2025 NAVSTA Rota Parent Fee Letter
- Navy CYP SY2024-2025 Fee Policy (Frequently Asked Questions)
- CYP Registration Form
- Permission Statements Form
- Health Information Form
- Military and Family Life Consultant Form
- Internet and Screen Based Media Agreement
Youth Center Parent Information
General Parent Information
- Supervision of Minor Dependents and Guest Base Instruction
- Power of Play
- How to use CYP Online Payment
Youth Program Volunteer Information